MADAMS: A Software Architecture for the Management of Networked Measurement Services

TitleMADAMS: A Software Architecture for the Management of Networked Measurement Services
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsCicirelli, F, Grimaldi, D, Furfaro, A, Nigro, L, Pupo, F
JournalComputer Standards & Interfaces

MADAMS (Management Architecture for Distributed meAsureMent Services) is a novel service-based software framework designed for publishing, retrieving, configuring, setting up, monitoring and executing distributed measurement services over the Internet. The basic building block is the measurement service, i.e. a software object properly configured and made remote accessible across a network. A measurement service corresponds either to a single (virtual or physical) instrument, or to a collection of measurement services abstracting a test method. Service attributes include the graphical interface which supports user interactions. MADAMS is especially tuned to: (i) defining a common way to manage and use distributed measurement services, (ii) introducing a data-exchange layer for inter-instrument communications, (iii) exploiting a design pattern which separates definition of service functionalities from distribution concerns. This paper introduces MADAMS, outlines its current implementation which depends on Java/Jini, and shows its application to a demand monitoring–control measurement system.
